How a Tech Promoter in the PV Industry Drives Social Responsibility

Time: 14:45 - 15:05

Date: 14th November 2023

Theatre: Room Two


As a top 6 PV module supplier at global shipment volume, Astronergy has huge plans to expand its manufacturing capacity, product coverage while keep supply chain transparency and lower carbon emissions across the entire value chain of a PV module.

But how can a module supplier maintain its social responsibility during a rapid expansion? This session will share:

  • How Astronergy insists on its green energy core, to keep developing in much more friendly way for greener world.
  • Astronergy’s commitment to create a sustainable and net-zero carbon world.
  • How Astronergy develops and expands high-reliability products to each corner of energy demands.

Astronergy, Large Scale Solar CEE


  • Timo Franz, Large Scale CEE, SpeakerTimo Franz Head of Project Business Europe - Astronergy

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